OCMA 2008 at the Grove Theater in Anaheim Ca. on 03/29/08
See pics of the show:
Camera 1 and Camera 2 shoot pics click here
Next shoot we will post online is our Winger shoot at Crash Mansion LA.
We will also be posting the Irish "Rose of Tralee" shoot , stay tuned!
Met a LOT of great people this year and we hope you all enjoyed the show and supporting local music.
A special person we met was Jeanne Rice, It was an amazing thing to meet such a talented photographer. And what a wonderful kind person she is!
Please visit her web site at: http://www.ImagesThatRock.com
She needs your help!
You may buy her work and help with her recovery at: The Rock and Roll Emporium HB
Rock on!
(MP) ModernPics